This is the part of the series that cover some of the basic of the science and need to be known to understand the other topics in much more detail and allows me to elaborate many topics without diverting from the topic and today we will learn about radiation and will help to understand many new topics like rays and nuclear fission.
Radiation is the one that is formed after a nuclear fission and other emissions, radiation is just the ejection of energy in the form of a wave that is unidirectional and has a very huge power attached to it.
There are mainly being measured by two ways measured in sieverts and a person is there limit for normal human and this also depends on how much time the person is facing the radiation.
The radiation are mainly being of two types that are
Electromagnetic spectrum these are mainly at zero mass at rest and mainly form the light rays, X-rays, gamma rays, etc.
the other is the movement of heavy particles like electron, proton or neutron that moving at a very high speed and due to mass has a very high energy assign to them.
These particles have a very high energy particles and have the property and have a very powerful potential to penrtratre the particles that ahve a very high potential but have a very penetration energy.
The radiation are mainly being of two types that are
Electromagnetic spectrum these are mainly at zero mass at rest and mainly form the light rays, X-rays, gamma rays, etc.
the other is the movement of heavy particles like electron, proton or neutron that moving at a very high speed and due to mass has a very high energy assign to them.
These particles have a very high energy particles and have the property and have a very powerful potential to penrtratre the particles that ahve a very high potential but have a very penetration energy.
Basic Comparison from Reality.
Radiation is one of thing that is caused by every particles every were like if you are put in one billion banana then they can kill you but some particles are much more harmful like uranium that a person should not be in for more than 20 min as it would make them to suffer this radiation is also produced by sun and can cause cancer without ozone layer.
Radiation is done by few particles like alpha , beta , gamma rays in which have different limit to get into in order gamma>beta>alpha rays that make them very different than beta can heat many particles but in case of gamma these can even alter there DNA of a human being and make us cause many diseases and can call for many physical cases for newborn children this can be seen in case of chironbal and many other in japan like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
These are some bit about these and further study should be done as it is just the starting point but is more than adequate to pursue further topics.
Can even see some resources and help me
Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation For International Viewers
Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation For Indian Viewers
Can even see some resources and help me
Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation For International Viewers
Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation For Indian Viewers
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