Star Cluster


Star Cluster 

Star Clusters are one of the most interesting and beautiful objects that can be viewed very easily by telescope as these are very big and bright in nature.

Star Cluster has been mainly divided into two types only

1) Open Stars Or Galactic Cluster  

These are mainly very loosely packed and are not very big and can be very easily viewed and has many stars be in random pattern these are mostly very young in nature as these have very short lifetime in astronomic senses and get easily be moved away or get evaporated.

Their age can be easily be predicted by the age of the largest star age as these have the longest age and has easy to analyze and that makes them used to predict their age.

How They Collapse 

These clusters get easily get destroyed just because of there nature being very random so have many different direction orbits only and that make them move in a very different nature that makes small to move toward the bigger and then keeps getting energy to move out or in other words get thrown out very easily that make the smaller to go out first and then the bigger ones get out that make only big being left that make them to get collide and form neutron stars or even black holes to be formed.

2)Closed Or Globular Cluster 

These are one that are so massive that these can be of 100 of light-years in size that make them very beautiful to look and look too much mushy and seems to be moving.

These can be seen to be very tight in nature and be very compact with stars and not very far from each other These have a very big disadvantage that there are not many big stars mainly small to mid-tier stars that make them live much longer and have been seen and exist even without a galaxies that make them so special.

Many of these are bright just because they are formed after the collision of a few other stars as all are mostly formed at the same time so have the same nature and age.

Globular may look good but have no planet so think for living is not possible even how great they can be looked to live.

These were so major types of star clusters in detail that are in the universe.

The others are pretty small or are just the future of most of these as they get far away from each other.

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