Hello Guys!!
This is going to be part of my star series that you can see from the top Navbar that will make it easy to study many stars' topic and that makes it very good.
What is ProtoStar?
It is one of the earliest phases of the star life and that is when all the mass is combined in this we will see many molecular cloud to be formed and that will make it condenses to form the star and that we will see that stages to be very hot and that make it all to combines over the line.
When we see the time pass these stages last for very early stages of the universe where mass cloud to be condensed to form at around 0,5 million years to make a proper star this will make a star to be formed and to be called down, in this stages the hard cloud is made the core and then much less dense cloud will be formed at the outer edges that make the formation of the less hot outer surface and will take even more time to form.
Different Stages of ProtoStar
Stage 1: Giant Molecular Cloud
It is the stage that makes us in the large clouds to be there that is cold enough for molecules to be formed and that makes up for a large free cloud nature.
Stage 2: ProtoStar Formation
In this after the gas clouds to be formed and they become denser and then they become even denser and then collapses after emitting many rays like Microwaves and infrared rays that have a very high energy density and these all crumbles into a disc formation that makes for a star formation after some time.
There are many types of Proto Stars that makes
1) Low mass:-
These are which have been formed in a very cooler environment and so have very less mass to be there but due to lighter nature have a huge amount of light to be emitted after the time passes
2) High mass:-
These are formed when very high-density clouds are being collapsed and have very high heat radiation but no light or very little light.
3) Young star
It is one of the most important parts as this has very high density and has a very high so that they have a core and have a formation of cloud at the sides and that makes mostly the rise of very big and massive stars in general.
This series will continue and be updated in the top navbar so stay tuned.
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