


Supernova one of the most interesting and one of the most   majestic event in the whole universe and that make this event and is the end of the journey of the powerhouse of the universe that is Stars that also one of the very big and giant star that is very big and very much very bigger than over own sun that will be be very beautiful to see and called as one of the most beautiful event in the universe said by many scientist.

The supernova mark the end of a neutron star or a very big star and is also the stars of the journey of the black hole so it not get collapse due to Hawking radiation (will come in the upcoming blogs) that it is one of the event and this is also one the event when very high energy is released in a single direction only in the form of the gamma wave/beam/ray that is very high energy and very destructive.


This event happen when the star runs out of the hydrogen and start to burn more of helium and other metals that due to large size and very heavy mass then there core start to collapse and shrink to give a burn of the black hole that make it very good in the nature and this also get a release of high energy that is around the 10-20% of the mass-burn in a single flash and mostly release around the 5X times the energy produced by the sun in his whole lifetime and has the power to destruct whole solar systems in a flash and give many new waves.


There are many features of supernova it is mostly white in nature and last for only 100 seconds only and has very high energy that 
can destroy anything that may come in there way, has a unidirectional in nature and mostly very dense in nature and mostly form medium to big black holes, happens to neutron stars and sometimes to even stars.

What makes it Special

Supernova is one of the greatest events in the universe that helps in symmetry of the universe that make them destroy many solar systems and stars.

This also has a property to form many new and heavy element being formed like gold and silver and mostly being formed only due to these events only

For more research material and help can buy from the link below

The Exploding Suns: The Secrets of the Supernova For International Viewers

The Exploding Suns: The Secrets of the Supernovas For Indian Viwers

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