Hello Guys!!!!
Welcome to the part where I will teach you some of the basis of quantum mechanics and have already have uploded some of the other parts of the series and will list down below some of the parts as these will help you to learn to have very good knowledge in quantum mechanics as it is said
Some Brief You must at least read my quantum mechanics page or know some basics then only will able to understand so just go on my page to read or if know then can carry on.
Welcome to the part where I will teach you some of the basis of quantum mechanics and have already have uploded some of the other parts of the series and will list down below some of the parts as these will help you to learn to have very good knowledge in quantum mechanics as it is said
This is one the series that will help you know more about the new series and will try to make a specific page where you can see many series and have been easy to navigate between many of my post and this is an appeal that just use the ads that are shown and try to click as they help me to sustain the channel and to grow to a broader audience it will be very helpful if you share this post or any of my post so will be able to teach many people as possible so we should jump into the content(I will try to upload some illustration so that you can easily understand the topic and have a better grasp on the topic and to do so will need your support as need little more financial support so to be able to do that)
Some Brief You must at least read my quantum mechanics page or know some basics then only will able to understand so just go on my page to read or if know then can carry on.
What Is Copenhagen Equation
There are the few equations that tried to understand the quantum mechanics meaning and are derived from the Neil Bohr(atomic model) and Wener Heisenberg(Uncertainty Principle).
The Basic Equation is based on Schrodinger Equation
This is such that before the start there is the property been in the form of probability in the shape of probability wave been there and has just split into reality only after the observation and is like the Schrodinger equation that we already may know if not know then see my post on it to understand that is listed below.

The main property that is being seen in this is that the property of any of the particles that can only be defined at the time of the decidedness that is after the observation and that make it have a possibility that is in such a way that everything that we see is based on that as this is such that.
If we do any quantum mechanics this make for the case that when we observe it we just break the superposition that is the case that even when we do any of the other person experiment then the possibility of other arises when we see any of the other experiment we have seen that his observation at the start it has made for the end of the superposition but when we have the see of other than it is just passed such that only for us the superposition has been break and is just been pass so the superposition never break.
This is such that before the start there is the property been in the form of probability in the shape of probability wave been there and has just split into reality only after the observation and is like the Schrodinger equation that we already may know if not know then see my post on it to understand that is listed below.
What makes It most Believed
This is one such theorem that enables us to have as this is the one that has a proper mathematical model that has enabled us to see to predict the uncertainty and know how they work and have been able to see how they will function and what can be the possibility that can even be the that enables us to have many possible explanations and have enabled us to have a proper view over it.
This is also believed to be most certainly due to its research that it may not able to analyze many things that we will talk later on but this will have been seen very long and can be able to take any experiment and can explain some part of it but this is the one that is the correct part and some are yet to be seen.
Copenhagen Equation Difficulties
This is one such theory that has been near a century-old but even till now there is no such explanation that what really makes for the dissolve of probability wave to a particle.
That is in easy word what make this quantum mechanics to be in real-world as we don't see anything in real life and we, not even any property that can even prove that what make it more be possible to have make this true and understand even more easily and that make it very interesting to know how this all changes when we have an observation and what make it all so different and make them really be possible to have the condenses of the probability and have this all dissolve.
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