One Punch Man


                   One Punch Man

This is the continuation of my series and now we are doing to take over the hype beast of 2016 anime ie "One Punch man" this is has always been on my radar for very long this series has been so big this whole time that most of the character technique is not that been revealed so not many character technique can be made that easily now so will take on My favorite two character Genos and tornado


This is one such that even art the first glance can be seen very easily and made up that he is a cyborg and that is also very clear till now that make me to look over his few technique which he does.

The extreme speed that he gain from his skates and his rocket that make him so quick and his use of rocket that make that happen very easily that when he moves he also uses his rocket to procreate his movement that make the flow very easy and make the use of his power to punch and kick and much more speed accuracy and power

The other technique that he uses quite often is the blast that may seems to be very big and destructive but in reality can be more focused and powerful  this can be achved by the help of rocket weapon that blast at the close object that make them more accurate and more powerfull as whole focus is on that only .
The other way is to use of photon/electron beam that make them able to penetrate and may even excite there objevt to make even greater power crunch.

The so called small girl and the most powerul esper in the whole series and make her to move any object control bodies and can even crush them very eaily that make us very powerful and effective in battle.
This may seems to be not be possible to move without contact but can be easily be done with the help of antimatter and matter combination that make the forces of gravity to make into pictutre that make the use of them to either create attractive force or repulsive forces that make the object to move againt the will very easily as the force is so high that make it very powerful
Whn it comes to crush and other fiunction then it can easily be use in such a way that the use of bith together to make the forces of crush and make that happen very easily and that make this very powerful even in real life,
The creation of matter and antimatter in thin air is not that easy but can easily be possible to use them with help of particle vhange and neutron fussion as we can change the properties of matter to make new in thin air with the help of gamam rays but need very high energy and may not be that easy to do

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