Quantum Computing
The quantum computing is one of the most powerful system that we can ever produced and this is just come from quantum limitation of the transistor.
In simple terms, a transistor is like a gate that make to pass the current like in a pipe with a blocker that allow or not allow the current ie electrons to flow through them and that represented buy on or off condition that implies 0 and 1 in binary condition that is why computer only understand only binary and need to convert any language into that language.
The Problem
The real problem is that as we move back in time transistors were big but they become more in number at the same time getting smaller that aeries to present condition that we have reached 5nm architecture at max that as we move down to electron size that may be small but there another problem that is quantum Tunneling(The link for more detail) let to pass of electron even when the gate is off that fail our system.
The main reason is that in 5 nm the electron start to behave in a single row fashion that let to all quantum errors are been introduced that make the fail of our system.
This is a two-part series as others will tell the solution and working of quantum computing and even these limitations in the next blog.
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Quantum Computing for Everyone For International Viewers
Quantum Computing for Everyone For Indian Viewers
Quantum Computing for Everyone For International Viewers
Quantum Computing for Everyone For Indian Viewers
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