



What are Quasars

Quasar is one the most powerful object and one of the biggest objects in our galaxies that are very beautiful and contain a very large mass nearly medium ones have the mass of billion to 100 of billions the mass of our sun that make them so fascinating.

The Quasar is objected with there center having supermassive black holes that make them occupies very large mass and has a very wide in structure these have very large fed gasses of the stars that are being in high temperature to form plasma(will the upcoming topic on the blog in very depth that will help you to get more in-depth) these have so massive energy that they even have many energy beams that are super powerful Gama rays that can easily destroy many solar systems that will kill civilization.

Where are these found 

These are so massive that these are mainly found at every galaxies and in more than one in very large galaxies and are so large and powerful that they define the moment and shape of the galaxies and their properties are also being defined by these only and these are also being said to be responsible for forming and destroy of the solar system and stars as these have all the gasses that are in the galaxies and these are made to have the structure of the galaxies.

How are these formed 

These are so massive that either these are formed at a very early stage of the universe that these gasses combine at one place to form these massive objects.
These can also be formed when two galaxies combine together or collide together that there massive black hole combine to form one massive black hole.


This has the size of millions of light-year in size.
These have many explosion like supernova taking place. 

For more detail can buy from the link below and will help me to make more content.

Universe from Flat Earth to Quasar For International Viewers

Universe from Flat Earth to Quasar For Indian Viewers

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