Gamma Rays

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Gamma Rays

As been disused in the radiation blog some bit about the gamma rays that what are there permissible levels and how deadly they can be but as they play a very important role in the universe and so going to explain a little bit more about this.

Gamma rays are one of the deadliest thing in the universe and has a potential to wipe down the whole human in a flash as these gamma rays are also produced by gamma waves that are produced when a star starts to die and causes supernova and hypernova explosion that has potential that these waves have so much energy that they can nearly burn the whole world in a flash these are one of the few quirks of these gamma rays.

What are gamma rays?

These are just electromagnetic waves with very high frequency that carries a large amount of energy over a distance in form of waves and are one of the most energetic waves out there with one of the most penetrative power out there.

These have the power to burn cells and destroy our DNA from the core and are also used in cancer and tumor treatment due to these properties and has many other medical uses also.

Gamma rays burst

Some points were highlighted earlier but gamma-ray burst is produced when star burn out they release high energy burns they are released many years of stars power in a single shot these are somewhat stopped by ozone layer but they have their own limit and these ray bursts are mainly produced when black holes are formed these are very dangerous but are mainly seen very far from us but as these events take so less often in our galaxy and they travel at speed of light they can't be detected easily so may they are just few thousand light-year away from killing us. 

What makes Gamma Rays Special

This is one of the few em waves that are produced by the radioactive decay and that make cases that they have very high penetration and can even make changes to a cellular level and that makes them very different from other Em waves and that makes it very different and make it like having a high penetration to have a very high power also that make many new ways to use them.

This is so useful that this is one that is used to treat many new methods and that makes them treat many diseases like cancer and tumors and that makes it have many more uses for future purposes due to there nature.

There are some Resources that you can visit and then help me to make more content

The Universe in Gamma Rays For International viewers

The Universe in Gamma Rays For Indian Viewers

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