How The Universe Will End


Hello Guys!!!

As Humans, we always think about the end of our civilization and if we played it well we can at least beat it by many millions of years and even we try our best we can't live forever and that is only just before the last breath of the universe is taken and we see the end of the universe has happened and that will be just after our civilization is needed and yes this will take at least a 6-7 billion years from now but as time pass it become more prominent our civilization will end if there is no parallel universe.

So now we will earn about many possible ways and many hypotheses that are there for the end of the universe so let's jump into it.

Heat Death / Infinite Cold

This may be one of the most prominent cases that the universe will die and one that we can easily predict with our calculation and it is like the only that is based on entropy.

So as we know everything wants to decrease his entropy and that's why this death will happen.

This death will occur when all the universe reach its equilibrium in entropy ad this will make all object so far away that there is no energy in the whole universe ad it reaches 0K in temperature for his eternity.

How heat Death Will Happen

This will happen no matter what case we put in this is the case when all the stars have burned there hydrogen and helium and have made their core to be collapsed to form a neutron star that will then further down into white draft state or a black hole depending on their size.

The white draft stage has no has come and in this, there will them that make the heat to be released and that will make for the energy but after some millions of years, even they will burn out and form pure iron object called as iron star as iron is one of the most stable quantumly and can not decay or merge easily.

In this era either there are black holes or black dwarf only left that will result in no much heat left be liberated by the black holes only.

The black hole era as we know from previous posts that not just black holes always exist but they also emit energy in the form of Hawking radiation.

This effect will last for many more million years to come and till the small ones will come and then they see the effect of radiation in the form of photons.

This is going to last when the supermassive black holes will last and after than around many billions of years, they all be converted into photons.

There is a miss have and seeing the universe just of photons the entropy will make them move apart from each other till there is no entropy is left means having equilibrium.

The next step is that even we know that photons are most stable and even then they also break down and it takes many billions of years to be a break and have the highest half-life and they will break into leptons and electrons and have their effects.

The other case is the Big Rip

Big rip is one of the most fascinating things that can be possible in the universe due to its nature and that may result in the end of the universe and making all the particles just become there own fundamental particles that can now never be separated even future.

What is Big Rip

It is basically a hypothesis that may occur and make the end of the universe this is stated with the help that the dark method is ever-increasing and make the dark energy to rise even further as in the future that results in the formation of the much stronger pull.

As we know that the universe is accelerating with the pace that is expanding in an accelerating rate but till now we don't know that the acceleration is constant or maybe even be increasing that will be the cause of the increase in the amount of so-called dark energy that is either discussed or will be coming soon.

So as the dark energy is increasing so in next millions of years the cosmos all the galaxies will be taken apart from each then in the next step there will ve the expansion of the galaxies where we will see that the solar system will be fragmented from each other that will take around a day or so then the next target is earth and other planet matter will be separated then there articles cluster then molecules and then there will be the breaking of the atoms and then they will all convert into the fundamental particles.

This is very unlikely as we still do not get that either dark energy is till now not have been stated that it is in the increasing state and that also being very unlikely as that to happen it should totally break the theory of conversation of energy.

This is stated that this can easily never happen but is a strong possibility, to say the least.

The other way of death may be either be updated or be in the next part in a month or so so stay tuned.


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