Death Of A Black Hole
Blackhole one of the most powerful object of the universe that has massive mass and energy that seems to be last forever but it is not that case as most of them die first very slowly then very fast as we can see by hawking radiation that they releases large amount of energy but still these are very long time and follow a sequence .
This is done that as we know from hawking radiation a black hole get evaporated as the time get to pass on that make massive energy to be liberated this is done because as space is not empty but virtual particles just collide and make it into existence and non existence this is how there is zero energy as they take energy to produce and they let out same energy so when this happen near the black hole then one part is absorbed but that create a negative energy to be there that make the case that the energy should be compensated by the black hole and this happen then twice the mass taken is given out so this make the case that its size starts to get shrink.
This was the process it losses energy this process is like a exponential curve which keep on increasing as the time does on as the mass get lesser and lesser the event horizon get smaller from the core that make more mass to be there to be radiated at once that make the case that as we move in time the energy is liberated faster and faster.
This make to the situation where the energy is so that in the last phase it explode and liberate energy in huge amount and release a high amount of radiation.
This is how the black holes die this takes mostly around millions if not billions of years and at last everything is changed into energy.
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This is how the black holes die this takes mostly around millions if not billions of years and at last everything is changed into energy.
Can mail me at Mail-ID for future suggestions.