Quantum Computing -2
In the last blog we have discussed the topic and the problem tat led to this process to happen.
As been discuses the quantum tunneling make a situation like the electron are in superposition and there is no fixed answer to be made that make it really tough with our current on off switch to have these methods that are being ti be done but now if we use this quantum spooky action(this is the same thing that make quantum tunneling but a name given by Albert Eisenstein ) as we can increase the cases that will make our computing power more as now instead of one off and one on we can have multiple option that will help us to grow our potential of calculation.
How to do is the question?
It is by the use of quantum gate that is as we know normal gate produce only one output but this will make up for single output as it will take a superposition and will give another superposition so with the help of this this will collapse the superposition by manipulating the different superposition and collapse into one definite answers .
So this will make many possibilities and will give many answers from just one transistor that will increase the power by factor of two as the increases of possibility in the outcome and also at the same time this give many solution at same time.
Benefit this as the increase in the number of transistors due to smaller size and time to be spend is less as many are done at the same time with multiple threads .
This not only has the power but has many drawbacks that these have the huge inaccuracy in may field such as image building and gaming etc that make them not ideal for all but in AI Quantum Computing Quantum Computing and calculation it is faster then all the other computers out there .
These also require very low temperature also to work properly.
For more detail and research can see below content.
Quantum Computing for Everyone For Indian Viewers
For more detail and research can see below content.
Quantum Computing for Everyone For International Viewers
Quantum Computing for Everyone For Indian Viewers
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